How to Manage A Hotel Parking Lot

Rose Paving / August 08, 2017

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Managing A Hotel Parking Lot

5 Things to Know About Hotels and Commercial Paving Services

Whether you run a boutique motel or a hotel franchise, your parking lot greets your guests before you do. It is the first chance for your guests to experience your brand of hospitality, and it is your last chance to leave a lasting impression as they head home. Here are some tips to help optimize your parking to provide your guests with a seamless experience during their stay.

  1. Make a Great First Impression

Even before check-in, your guest’s opinion of your hotel is taking shape—including their sense of the hospitality that you provide. The condition of your parking structure is part of that initial impression. Guarantee a smooth check-in process by caring for your guest’s safety and comfort from the instant they pull onto your lot. Keep your parking spaces clean, clearly painted, and well-maintained. Ensure a great first impression by scheduling preventative parking lot maintenance to always stay ahead of the curve.

2. Want More Guests? Offer More Parking

The parking lot or structure is often overlooked by facilities working to attract customers and fill vacancies. We’re sure you’ve been to a retail store, event space, or even another hotel, only to find terrible parking accommodations. When there aren’t enough parking spaces, or the available spots are inconvenient and congested, it can be a major point of frustration for visitors and guests. If you have the space, consider expanding your lot or building another structure to offer more parking. It can be the deciding factor as visitors decide where they want to stay.

3. Limit Liability: Get Rid of Potholes

The last thing a hotel owner wants is increased liability. Know your risks, including what the potholes in your lot mean for the health of your customers and their automobiles. A rolled ankle here or a flat tire there can add up to a lot of risk for as long as you neglect the condition of your parking structure. Regular inspections and prompt repairs are essential in minimizing these risks.

4. Put Your Guests First: Plan Out Your Work

For many travelers, a hotel stay is meant to go hand in hand with relaxation, comfort, and accommodation. Being met at check-in with big crowds can be a turn-off; compound that with loud and ongoing construction, and your dream vacation is now a nightmare. Don’t let repairs and maintenance overlap with your busiest season. Plan ahead, check your calendar, and make note of when the slow times are. Construction is inevitable, but planning around your busiest weeks will keep congestion—and guest dissatisfaction—at an all-time low.

5. Want Happy Guests? Don’t Wake Them With Construction!

We know better than anyone that construction crews working in summer heat need to get an early start, but we also understand that hotel guests aren’t looking to wake up with the roosters. Communicate with your paving manager to explain your needs, including firm start and stop times, to be respectful of your guests. This will help your paving team plan out their days and prioritize other projects for early morning before cranking up the volume to take on your parking structure.

Managing Hotel Parking Lots: Best Practices

Managing a hotel parking lot requires a blend of aesthetic maintenance, safety protocols, and efficient space utilization. Here are some additional tips to ensure your parking lot is in top condition and meets your guests’ expectations:

  1. Regular Cleaning and Sweeping: A clean parking lot not only looks appealing but also reduces the risk of accidents caused by debris. Schedule regular sweeping to remove dirt, leaves, and trash.
  2. Effective Lighting: Ensure your parking lot is well-lit to provide safety and security for your guests. Proper lighting can prevent accidents and deter criminal activities.
  3. Clear Signage: Use clear and visible signage to guide guests to available parking spaces, exits, and entrances. Signage can also indicate special parking areas such as handicapped spaces or loading zones.
  4. Efficient Traffic Flow: Design your parking lot to ensure smooth traffic flow. This includes marked lanes, directional arrows, and designated drop-off areas.
  5. Seasonal Maintenance: Different seasons bring different challenges. In winter, ensure your parking lot is regularly plowed and salted to prevent ice buildup. In summer, address issues like heat-related pavement damage.
  6. Guest Communication: Keep your guests informed about any upcoming maintenance or construction work. Use your website, email notifications, and on-site signage to communicate effectively.
  7. Accessibility: Ensure your parking lot meets all accessibility standards. This includes providing enough handicapped spaces and ensuring they are easily accessible to the main entrances.
  8. Sustainable Practices: Consider environmentally friendly practices like using permeable pavement, installing electric vehicle charging stations, and implementing a recycling program for waste collected from the parking lot.
  9. Regular Inspections: Conduct regular inspections to identify and address potential issues before they become major problems. This includes checking for cracks, potholes, and drainage issues.
  10. Professional Paving Services: Partner with a professional paving service like Rose Paving to ensure your parking lot is maintained to the highest standards. Professional services can provide expertise and resources that might be beyond your in-house capabilities.

Keep Your Hotel Parking Lot Smooth with Rose Paving

The parking lot or structure is one of the most heavily traveled parts of your place of business. Scheduling the right repair at the right time is essential to keeping your hotel open and running smoothly with repeat business. Don’t neglect your parking structure.

Learn how Rose Paving can help get your lot or ramp on a pavement management plan to prevent lot erosion and damage and keep your hotel running smoothly.

By following these tips and partnering with a trusted paving service, you can ensure your guests have a positive experience from the moment they arrive until the moment they leave.