Category: Crack Sealing

Safe From Harm: Taking Steps to Winterize Your Parking Lot

Rose Paving / November 30, 2011

Winter is a season enjoyed by all for holidays, family, and delicious meals. At this time of year, many people combine all three by gathering at their favorite restaurant. To earn their business, your food and facilities must maintain a five-star rating. If your restaurant is located in a cold winter climate, for example, your heating systems might need extra service and attention. A less obvious area, however, is your parking lot. Even though it might be covered in snow, your pavement should not be buried on your checklist. Regardless of your restaurant locations, asphalt and concrete repairs can and should be addressed throughout the winter months to prevent the spread of problem areas and to mitigate potential liabilities. After all, just one slip-and-fall injury could result in costly litigation, increased insurance premiums, and worst of all–a tarnished image.

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